Kathleen Perry International recording Artist latest adventure is "Vocals on Top ◊ Bass on the Bottom" a vocal and bass duo. Kathleen takes you on a musical journey with Jazz, R&B, Pop and country. "Familia" Kathleen Perry's latest CD features the Art Perry Quintet. Includes several original songs, composed by Kathleen and Arthur and great jazz standards like "Bewitched" "
Watch OUT for the dreamkillers!!
Video Vocal Coach

Creative Artistry
Sincerity ◊ Passion ◊ Soul Sensations ◊ Jazzism Reality
Kathleen Perry is the video vocal coach. www.videovocalcoach.com. Kathleen Perry's online video vocal course "Vocal Vibrations from theHeart"
It's no frills just straight from the heart skills and techniques on how to Sing correctly. Increase your vocal range. Learn the physical and mental seamless connection between the breath, body, placement of tone, and execution to smoothly advance to different registers of the voice.www.videovocalcoach.com
Voice Lessons
Kathleen Perry
"Teaching vocal technique gives me great pleasure. It is wonderful when a student is able to find their own voice with guided experienced vocal instruction" Kathleen Perry offers private voice lessons in Las Vegas NV.
Call for Consultation
(702) 328 5420
kathleen@ kathleenperry.com